We deliver, fuelled by our diverse experience.

Helped a well-known, national travel company launch their £20m re-brand to employees, trade and consumer markets.
Following 9/11, handled crisis management for the UK’s market leading aviation training company with sites in both the UK and USA.
Funded by the Local Sustainability Fund (LSF), provided 12-months of guidance, advice and mentoring including governance, business transformation, strategy, marketing and communications and fundraising to a sports charity providing life skills to disadvantaged young people. In that year the charity’s income increased from £296K to £650K.
Conceived and produced innovative music festivals at 16 historic properties nationwide for the UK’s most respected membership organisation.
Implemented a sustainable fundraising solution for a 100-yr-old nursing charity, increasing income by 186% in 12-months.
Collaborated with one of the UK’s finest country estates to transform their commercial activities to ensure their sustainability for future generations. Previously untapped resources were developed into unique consumer products and events which continue to go from strength to strength, year on year.

T: +44(0)1384 221788   |   M: +44(0)7769 658808   |   E: hello@rowlandmain.co.uk
Rowland Main | The Old Police Station | Whitburn Street | Bridgnorth | Shropshire | WV16 4QP